


Low-level gas flow Beta multicounter system for the measurement of 5 samples simultaneously. The basic part of the Risø low-level beta multicounter system is a gas-flow unit with dimensions of 50x100x250 mm. which incorporates five individual GM sample counter elements and a common guard counter.



1、Lower background:The background can be reduced to <0.2 CPM with 100mmlead shieldine.

2、Input voltage and power: normal working range of the laboratory.

3、Counter gases :99% Argon and 1% Isobutane; or 99% Argon and 1% Propane.

4、The controller includes 5 sample channels and 1 protection channel.

5、Sample counter elements: 25 mm diameter with aluminized mylar window (<1 mg/cm2).

6、Cosmic ray noise reduction: anticoincidence technique.

8、Size of sample box :25 mm diameter.

9、System operation: computer operation software control,

10、Calibration sources: 5 Tc-99 calibration sources.

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